TQ Medpack Program
- A simpler way to take medications
- Medication non-adherence has greatly affected the increase in mortality and the risk of developing chronic diseases. We all know how difficult it can be to keep track of what medication you need and when, especially if you take multiple medications, travel often or are always on the go.
What keeps patients from complying with their medication?
- Complicated regimens
- Literacy levels
- Forgetfulness
- Decreased mobility or dexterity of hands
- Access to the pharmacy
- Cost of medication
Medication adherence is important for treating chronic and acute health conditions. It helps to take the right dose of medication at the right time and in the right way.
How TQ MedPack is helpful: Instead of coming in a vial, medications will instead be pre-packed into individual packages and marked with the time of day that the pills should be taken.
- Makes it easier for patients to get all their drugs in a single container rather than in multiple bottles and packages
- Makes it easier for patients to take the right drugs at the right time instead of having to remember all those things, especially when they’re sick
- Results in a better patient experience and health outcomes
- Easier to take their medications on the go, all in a convenient medpack
Better adherence and outcomes translate into fewer doctor visits, trips to the emergency department and hospital admissions.
#1 Helps Keep Track of Your Medication Schedule
- Medication adherence packaging indicates the time and day that your medicine should be taken. Since packaging shows you exactly what medications you should be taking and when you should take them, you are not second-guessing whether which pills you need to be taking or trying to remember if you’ve already taken them.
#2 Provides Unit Dose Packaging
- If you are taking more than one type of medicine, the medication adherence packaging can help you keep track of your prescription doses. It prompts a patient to drink a unit dose of his or her medication at a specific time and day. Patients/caregivers would not need to worry about gathering multiple vials/bottles and packages.
#3 Increased Medication Compliance
- Medication adherence packaging helps increase the compliance rate of taking the right dose of medication at the right time as prescribed by your health practitioners. When medication is properly complied with, there are fewer risks of developing chronic diseases or health complications.
Who should use compliance packaging?
- Compliance packaging is a good option for any patient who is taking multiple medications. It’s especially good for patients managing multiple chronic conditions that require them to take medications at different times of the day.
- Compliance packaging is also ideal for patients who may have one or more caretakers assisting them. It will allow caretakers to see if a pill hasn’t been taken yet or if it was administered by someone else, even if the patient can’t remember or can’t communicate whether they have taken their meds.
Getting Started is EASY and FREE:
- Tell us what medications/vitamins you are taking daily and how you’re taking them
- We work with your doctors to sync your meds for easier fills once a month
- We package all your daily medications/supplements into MedPacks of 30 days supply
- Schedule a date for pick up or delivery to your door
- We check in with you each month:
- To see how you’re taking your meds
- Make note of any changes
- Prepare your MedPacks for pick up or delivery
We work proactively with your doctors to make sure you won’t run out of medications.